Jan 5, 2008

Thoughts For 2008

I found this on the internet somewhere :)

Thoughts for 2008

Number 8. Life is sexually transmitted.

Number 7. Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Number 6. Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.

Number 5. Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks.

Number 4. Some people are like a Slinky ... not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.

Number 3. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

Number 2. Why does a slight tax increase cost you $200.00 and a substantial tax Cut saves you $0.30?

Number 1. In the '60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world Is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

Jan 1, 2008


so it's officially a new year...and i am going to "ramble on" about it for a bit.

first. my body has been starting to feel like a wasteland.

*wasteland: an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless.--->okay, i don't really feel quite that way.

the point of this is....as i've been getting older, more problems with myself and body arise, and i want to get back to where i was before it gets harder to deal with. it's about starting to take care of and renewing myself. this has recently become really important to me within the past several weeks. in 5 months i will be done with school for good and ready to start a "brand new life"...and i want to start it off feeling "well". i feel like i haven't had a "big change" in awhile....and right now i need one and to get myself back in line. it's time for another new beginning, soo...what better time than now.

i probably, generally, wouldn't take the time to share this....but i think that if i share what i am trying to do, it will be easier to stick to. if i keep it to myself, and fail...no harm done. so now that you all know, you can call me a liar if this doesn't really happen.


this is my new years resolution:

1) successfully quit smoking...for real this time.
2) no more eating meat.
3) drink 10 times more water than i drink now. basically, a whole lotta watta!
4) begin exercising again.

i think this idea/resolution/plan is probably absolutely typical, but it's for a good cause so i don't mind.

i am not doing it for anyone else. and it's not about weight or anything like that. when i say i want to stop eating meat, it's not to purposely cut out a food group to eat less. the toxins in meat can do a lot of damage, and also can eventually cause colon cancer. just a quick fact: dioxin is one of the deadliest toxins, and is concentrated in meat levels at 22 times what are safe!! there are other reasons it's not safe, but i won't blab on about it, i imagine you get the point. i just don't want that in my body anymore. it's time to take care of and cleanse my body. and speaking of "cleanse", i think eventually in the year i will do an "actual" body cleanse. such as a whole body detox or colon cleanse. everyone should. and as for exercise, it is about getting fit again, but more importantly about healing. does this sound weird for someone my age to already be thinking about this? i don't know? okay, okay. so i am done talking about that!! i am probably starting to bore you :)

new topic...but leading into the same topic:

i have turned into a youtube maniac lately. it is my by-far-favorite website right now. honestly, i will be up until early in the morning watching peoples ridiculous videos. i have no idea how it happens either. i just can't stop...

there is badass "where did these people come from" musicians, amazing choreographers, people with very interesting ideas....etc. etc.

anyway, i feel weird sometimes for getting so involved in some of these people's lives....but they are sharing it.....so i guess that's the point.

watching all of these vidoes make me miss the days where i aspired to be a "brilliant dancer" and the girl-next-door who played guitar and sang. so....i am thinking about picking up the guitar again? i sold mine to my grandpa, an amazing musician, a year or two ago....and i think i may try and buy it back. i would just buy a new one, but this guitar was soo, so, so beautiful. and as for dancing, i am still taking classes every week...but i have been so lazy with it...so i think it's time to step back up and get with the game.

so..leading back to my resolution!

i don't think anyone knows how excited i am about doing this more than i do. i NEVER, ever make new years resolutions...but this, as i said, has become really important to me. this year is calling for a lot of life changing experiences. for once, i am excited about the future...and if i can just pull myself back together and gain control back over my life again it will make it that much better. i think maybe there is more to my plan than quiting smoking and drinking a lot of water. somehow i managed to lose myself this past year...i made a lot of mistakes, and it's time to start over..again.

did you make it to the end?